Friday, July 1, 2011



Reactions re PNoy and Jesus

LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name…” (Zechariah 14:9, the Holy Bible).


“JESUS IS GOD”: It always makes me very happy to read reactions to my columns because they indicate that somehow, somewhere, there is someone who is reading what I am writing about. Today, I give way to two such reactions, and the first pertains to our items about Jesus Christ being called “Mighty God” and “Everlasting Father”, and He calling Himself “I am”.

Junsting Pizaña wrote: “Sir Mauricio, please allow me to add some verses telling us that Jesus is God. First is Isaiah 9:6: `Unto us a child is born.....The mighty God (not mighty man), The everlasting Father.....’ No one can say that Jesus is just a `mighty God’ because the Father Himself is also called `The mighty God’ (Psalms 50:1, also Isaiah 10:21).

“Second, Titus 2:13: `.....the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.’ In Matthew 28:19, Jesus intimated that the name of God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Therefore if we say God, we are automatically (knowingly or unknowingly) referring to the Trinity (or Elohim, the plural form, as He introduced Himself in Genesis 1:1.


“JESUS IS GOD AND SAVIOR”: “And the Bible tell us that there is no other God and no other Savior (Isaiah 43:10-11), so the phrase `the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ’ in Titus 2:13 particularly refers to the Lord Jesus Christ as both God and Savior and the Trinity as a whole. Otherwise, the Bible is wrong.

“Third, the Father Himself testified that His Son is God (Hebrews 1:8-9). Fourth, John the Beloved testified that we are in the True God, Jesus Christ (I John 5:20). Fifth, in Revelation Chapter 1, we are told that Jesus is The Almighty (Rev. 1: 8).

“Compare this with verses 11, 17-18 of Revelation 1, and also in 4:8 where the Almighty is referring to the Lord Jesus Christ surely. For who is coming? The Father is not coming. It is the Lord Jesus who is coming.......Thank you for publishing your valuable Biblical insights...More blessings and God bless you.”


“DON’T BLAME PNOY, BLAME US”: Edgar Siscar has this to say on our item about people power being readied against President Aquino: “We should not blame, PNoy for his inefficiencies. Instead, we should take up the bucket--- the electorate is the one to blame.

“We only deserve the leaders that we choose. We knew beforehand that PNoy could not carry on the work-- he has no working team, he has no experience at governance, he is not a statesman, etc.

“But these are only the tangible reasons. The intangible reason is the fact that no President can work efficiently in a multi-party system without the support of the majority of the bureaucrats under one tutelage…”


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