Wednesday, June 15, 2011



Pinoys enticed by media ads re: deadly foods

LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ…” (Philippians 3:20, the Holy Bible).


PINOYS ENTICED TO BUY DEADLY FOODS VIA MEDIA ADS: The tragic incidents of food poisoning in a children’s birthday party in Bulacan which hospitalized more than 100 persons, in Batangas which sent 400 teachers to hospitals, in Qatar involving 156 Filipinos, in Isabela which downed 26 children, and in the mistaken use of a deadly chemical as salt which killed two school children in Tuguegarao, Cagayan, underscore the need to be extra careful in what we eat.

But over and above these sensational cases is the truth is that many of the foods we are exposed to daily are actually dangerous, as they are poison-laden, cancer-causing, and are killing many Filipinos slowly but surely, oftentimes unknown to them.

What is ironic here is that the producers of these deadly foods manage to entice many of us to buy and eat them just the same, through relentless radio-TV and print advertisements in media outfits which, despite knowing the health hazards of the foods being advertised, publicize them anyway on account of the billions of pesos paid by food producers as advertising fees.


“BUY CHINESE LAST”: A group of persons who have Facebook accounts created a page called “Buy Chinese Last”, evidently to protest the so-called “bullying” of China of the Philippines and other countries who have staked a claim over the Spratly Islands at the South China Sea, in opposition to China’s own pretensions over the area.

The page was created and started by “Hill Roberts”, with the following caveat: “Don't buy anything made in China, unless you are desperate. This is a fight back how to handle China. Since we cannot fight them militarily, we can apply a different tactic by not, I repeat, not buying Chinese-made goods…” Some 349 Facebook account holders from across the globe have already signed up for the page.


US OFFICIALS NOW SINGING A DIFFERENT TUNE: Now, officials of the US Embassy in Manila, led by Ambassador Harry Thomas, are singing a different tune. Whereas just a few days ago they were saying the US will not come to the aid of the Philippines in case of an armed conflict with China over the Spratly Islands, they are now saying the US will help the Philippines.

This is good, but who is the US fooling? US, with its trillion-dollar-loans from China, cannot be expected to help anyone fighting China, and the US Embassy’s first announcement of this fact, in reaction to a Malacanang statement that the Philippines expects US to help Filipinos in case of a war with China, represents the unchangeable reality in America.


BIBLE FORBIDS ANGER: Did you know that getting angry is against the Bible? The Lord Jesus Christ does not want us to be angry. In Matthew 5:22, Jesus says: “But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment…”

“Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift,” Jesus adds in Matthew 5:23-24. So stop being angry, simply trust the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.


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